A music streaming and sharing platform.
A cryptocurrency with the goal of coordinating economy sharing and crowdfunding with a special focus on supporting startups.
A real-time sports data company.
A provider of tour packages.
A bootcamp where student learned how to code.
An online music collaboration and promotion platform for hip hop Emcees and Producers.
A free app that allowed its users to check out a place in real time and decide whether or not to visit.
A direct-to-consumer (D2C) company providing household items.
A video sharing web site enabled users to share twelve second long video moments from their life.
For musicians who wanted to play music and to save costs.
Developed airborne wind turbines.
An online trust account designed to save for a child's future.
A mobile checkout platform allowing users make single-click mobile credit card payments for purchases.
A chain discount department retailer.
An online marketplace for the buying and selling of secondhand (used) furniture.
A web-based prepaid loyalty app for brick-and-mortar shops.
A startup that paid users to surf the web.
Coordinate your team projects on time and with results.
An online community for schoolchildren.
A connected device that formed a network of people with common friends.